Start Date/Time2024-03-19 3:56:51 AM
End Date/time 2024-03-19 10:18:33 AM
Completed True
Error Log <Log Start> Error on grade by SPED at :2024-03-19 4:13:09 AM Error:Oracle Communication: Failed to connect to server or failed to parse connect string <Log End>
By Grade Completed True
All Students Completed True
Total Transferred: 15
ELL Completed True
Total Transferred: 13
FMNI Completed True
Total Transferred: 15
Special Education Completed True
Total Transferred: 15

By School Completed True
All Students Completed True
Total Transferred: 1481
ELL Completed True
Total Transferred: 1220
FMNI Completed True
Total Transferred: 1256
Special Education Completed True
Total Transferred: 1455

By Area Completed True
All Students Completed True
Total Transferred: 94
ELL Completed True
Total Transferred: 90
FMNI Completed True
Total Transferred: 93
Special Education Completed True
Total Transferred: 93